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Marigold Gas Station

The Gas Station is a tool for developers who want to offer feeless transactions to their users. It can be used to facilitate user onboarding, or with a specific economic model in mind (e.g., the user can mint a NFT freely, but pays a fee when reselling it).

The gas station would typically be used by video game developers who want to subsidize activity for users who do not have any tez in their wallet. It does not require these users to do any transaction or reveal their account, as the gas station account posts those transactions itself. However, this workflow may require the use of specific smart contracts patterns, such as permit (TZIP 17).


To use the gas station, first connect your wallet and go to the Add contract page. When adding a contract, choose the entrypoints which you want to subsidize. Go to the My credits page and provide some credits to pay for your users transactions.

To relay transactions from your dApp to the Gas Station, you can use the /operation endpoint of the Gas Station API :

To make it easier to send operations to the Gas Station or use advanced patterns such as permits, Marigold maintains a small TypeScript library at this address:, with an example of dApp using the API.